Monday, November 14, 2011

Steve Jobs

                                                                          One More Thing
1.)Three adjectives that can describe Steve Jobs would be Nerd, Genius, Legendary. These three adjectives describe Steve Jobs very well.

2.) Steve jobs was apart  the company Pixar. His contributions to the Pixar company  helped pixar sell more products.

3.) Steve  wanted to change up his style. Gates wanted to stay in the box.

4.) He often betrayed his coworkers to get what he wanted. He was also a bully at times.

5.)  Jobs was able to succeed  by getting his apple products sold across the nations. Selling apple products made him a millionaire.

6.)  Job steve's invented a lot of things. He expressed his work through his art.

7.) Yes, because almost everyone uses apple  products. People enjoy Steve's jobs inventions

8.)  We use apple's computers, phones, ipods, i pads and many other things which helps us with work or even our social lives.

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