Monday, November 7, 2011

Book Review

by: Elie Wiesel

The book Night is a winner of the Noble Peace Prize and is very interesting. The story is about 14yr. old Eliezer Wiesel  living in Sighet, Transylvania, at the start of the World War II. The Jews had to leave their homes to go to concentration camps. Eliezer's family was one of the last people to leave in the cattle cars. Once they got to Auswitch their families were seperated, the girls were on one side and the men were on the other. If you were a girl or too young you were sent to the gas Chamber.  One of the jews had told Elie to say he was 18 and his father to say 40 because he was too young and his father was 50 which was too old. Eie's mother and little sister was sent to the gas chamber and died. Their days and Nights were tough and long. Some were beaten and worked to death.  If they didn't do as their commanders said they were to be killed.

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